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About Dr. Syed

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Dr. Haseen Syed is a licensed dentist practicing family and cosmetic dentistry in Minnesota since 2004. Born and raised in south India, she grew up in the bustling city of Bangalore, where she spent most of her teenage years helping out at her uncle's dental practice. Here she developed a love for the profession so profound that she found herself pursuing and later achieving a degree in dental surgery. Soon after graduating from dental school, Dr. Syed spent a year serving in a renowned cancer center, Kidwai Memorial Institute of oncology specializing in oral cancer, in south India.

Haseen Syed
Bloomington Dentist, MN

Dentist & Adjunct Faculty University of Minnesota

Living up to the meaning of Doctor, which literally means teacher, she taught at Ramayah Medical College in Bangalore, South India. She then had the opportunity to practice dentistry in private practice as an associate, where she honed her skills with aesthetics and developed her excellent chairside manner. As fate would have it, marriage brought her to the U.S. Since U.S. laws required her to be licensed to practice dentistry in the states, and her drive would not allow her to be kept from her passion, within a short while, she cleared the three-step process to get Board certified. She has received specialized cosmetic and aesthetic dentistry training from Dugan Dental Institute, Colton, CA, and attended UIC for advanced training in dentistry, to name a few. Along the way, she managed to juggle her family life with her professional life. She has a husband and two beautiful children she adores and cares for.

Practice philosophy- Among others, Dr. Syed follows three core principles ▿

First, an informed patient makes an educated consumer who would be willing to make partnerships necessary for proper treatment. Patients often have the misconception that dental care is expensive. On the contrary, lack there off is often more costly. Cost in the form of lost function, aesthetics, and even undesired health complications (i.e., heart disease). Regular preventative care and education may be a far cheaper and painless proposition.

Second, the patient's comfort is vital to the success of the treatment. The most popular view most hold is that a dental visit is invariably a painful one. This need not be, and should not be, the case if a dentist wants to see the patient through a treatment plan. The advent of improved injection techniques (thinner needles), new technologies such as Bio lase TM (drill-less tooth preparation, which may allow avoidance of anesthetic), available nitrous oxide, prescription anti-anxiolytics, in-seat entertainment, and noise-canceling headphones are a far cry from the age-old experiences passed from myth.

Third, treatment of the patient as a whole, not the individual ailing parts. Dr. Syed has received training in the field of oral cancer using screening tools such as Visi-lite TM, detecting and treating periodontal disease (which may lead to cardiac complications), educating the patients about the risk, and working closely with other health care providers to achieve endpoints that improve patients quality of life, just to name a few. These and a lifelong commitment to self-improvement are some of the qualities Dr. Syed brings to the practice.

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