Distinctive Dental Care | Bloomington, MN
Dental Clinic Near Edina

Distinct Dental Care has proved to be of great benefit to the patients in Edina. The experienced dental staff at Distinct Dental Care have made sure that a larger number of patients can reap the benefits of its useful dental services from time to time. There are various dental services available at the clinic, including preventive dental care, emergency treatments, implants, and modern and advanced dental treatments. The patients can get the required services customized according to their own dental needs. Preventive dental care, like fluoride therapies, is an important part of the dental care regime in day-to-day life. The dental clinic in Edina, MN, has made it its goal to improve the dental health of the patients visiting the clinic.

Dental emergencies can occur anytime, and the Distinct Dental Care dentists and staff are always ready to handle the cases at the clinic. This ensures that the patients can get every type of dental treatment done in the shortest amount of time. The patients can get the best implant procedures done for themselves. Dental implants of high quality are available at this dental clinic in Edina, MN. Therefore, more patients with missing teeth can rest assured that they get the best treatment for themselves.

Implants have an appreciable lifetime; therefore, patients opting for treatment at Distinct Dental Care can easily benefit from the dentist's excellent quality services. The team at our dental clinic in Edina, MN, uses the latest technology of EHR. Therefore, they can easily access the patients' records without creating confusion in the patients' treatment phases. This ensures that the patients can have a smooth and best experience at our dental clinic in Edina, MN.

Laser technology has been used in the best way by Distinct Dental Care's team, which has made several dental treatments easier than before. Diagnodent laser has been used successfully to diagnose cavities in patients' mouths, and further decide the best treatment for them. Biolase Water Laser is used at the dental clinic in Edina, MN. This utilizes a laser, water, and air to treat the respective cases' cavities. The success rates of these treatment options are quite high, which ensures that the patients can trust and utilize these treatment options.

The dental team will ensure that every patient gets the best treatment for their individual needs. Our dental clinic in Edina, MN, has made sure that patients can pay via various payment methods, including different insurance plans, credit cards, debit cards, and cash payments. Various discount schemes and offers are available from time to time for new and old patients to ensure ease in paying the fees for their dental treatments. At Distinct Dental Care, we strive to provide you with the highest quality service in a manner that is convenient for you.